Saturday, November 11, 2006

Loop 2

You're 10 years on with people who understand this intuitively. They understand the way of thinking with a 'hive mind,' with a brain with an external hard drive; they've grown up with Google.
Bridget Agabra, project manager for the Metaverse Roadmap at the Acceleration Studies Foundation

Social software so what?
“In the participatory era, the distinction between content creators and consuming audiences first gets blurry and then disappears completely...Instead of media being delivered as a sermon or lecture, it becomes a conversation among the people in the audience” ;(quote from Andreas Kluth, Technology Correspondent of The Economist)

Teachers are the gateway to larger cultures of knowledge. No amount of ICT will ever replace teachers in this respect.’

The knowledge society has major implications for how our secondary schools are organised, how we think about teaching, learning and assessment, and for teachers' ways of working.

Dr Jane Gilbert Chief Researcher for NZCER in her book Catching the Knowledge Wave says that rather than focusing on what has traditionally been done in schools, we need to completely rethink much of it if we are to prepare students for the 21st century.

Technology, whether it is ATM banking or paying accounts online has changed expectations of what is possible and altered timeframes for living.
The Wellington Loop adds many dimensions to opportunities for learning, including the possibilities of student communities in multi-level, multi-site collaboration.

The young man, who is completing a scholarship photography folio, can work with students at the other Wellington schools over the year, share ideas, images and online support. Working at that level is lonely and difficult especially when using advanced Adobe Photoshop and Adobe After Effects techniques. The is something best done with keyboard short cuts which are hard to learn quickly unless peer-to-peer knowledge is exchanged – perhaps forming a community in an environment like the Loop with mentors from University is one very imaginable process.


What may be philosophically hard for anyone who is not involved, to action and to understand is visualising a purpose and process for learning, that doesn’t look or feel the same as those known already.
It is hard for teachers, parents and BOT members who are on the fringes of this connected culture to imagine how significant this paradigm shift is - both towards more community and towards greater diversity

The Wellington Loop is an opportunity to enable more depth and diversity for students, using different processes and connecting differently.
The Wellington Loop Project is proposes to the following goals over the next three years:-

1. Developing teacher ICT capability aligned with the priorities of The Schooling Strategy
2. Developing evidence-based learning opportunities for students and their whånau
3. Integrating Student Management System (SMS) administration processes
4. Catering effectively for the diversity of students and schools through technology within the Wellington Loop Project
5. Using the collaborative strength of teachers from a range of schools to find and support niche communities of students and their whånau
6. Maximising and amplifying the opportunities to be part of groups of experts for mainstream and niche curriculum through connection to other Advanced Networks such as Kiwi Advanced Research Education Network (KAREN)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This project will be a breakthrough for mush networks and for the transformation of education in New Zealand. The possibilities are very exciting.